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About Us

Created to integrate professionals needed to improve the outcome of surgical therapies and for Cannabinoid Medicine, the iti was born within the clinical staff of the BR Surgery hospital in 2021.


With a systemic view of health, continuous measurement of the outcome, patient navigation (follow-up throughout the therapy) and measurement of the outcome, it was possible to improve adherence to therapies by 250% and consequently their result.

We offer exclusive services to take care of the complete health of the patient, with integration of doctors and health professionals, personalized follow-up from therapy to completion and measurement of therapeutic outcomes, in addition to accepting all health plans.


Here at our clinic, we aim to provide a holistic and complete healthcare experience, considering the patient's body, mind and spirit. To this end, our specialist physicians and healthcare professionals work together to find integrative solutions that meet the specific needs of each individual.


We value the doctor-patient relationship and believe it is critical to successful therapy. Therefore, our follow-up is careful and personalized, from the beginning to the end of the therapy. We also measure each patient's therapeutic outcomes to ensure that health goals are achieved.


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 Restaurando o equilíbrio do corpo, da mente e te ajudando a viver a vida que você merece. Descubra e experimente a Medicina Canabinóide nos cuidados com sua saúde.

Av. Fagundes Filho 475, São Paulo, SP, 04304-010

11 91573-0217


© Copyright Instituto de Terapias Integradas  Todos os direitos reservados CNPJ: 42196877/0001-40 - São Paulo - SP

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