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The excellence of Cannabidiol Medicine in theiti

The Endocannabinoid System is a vital regulatory system responsible for maintaining and restoring human health. This incredible and complex modulatory system provides countless new therapeutic possibilities.

Our intention is to make safe, effective and affordable treatments based on the Endocannabinoid System, minimizing the suffering of patients with chronic, refractory and disabling diseases, promoting well-being on a large scale.

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 With more than2000 patients seen per month only at Medicina Cannabidiol, theiti is proud to be one of the greatest authorities in treatments performed with Cannabis in Brazil.​

O iti It brings together specialist physicians coordinated by a health monitoring system for each patient through technology and monitoring professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Anamnesis carried out with biomedical doctors, personalized service with specialist doctors and a patient journey that ranges from complete assistance for the purchase and delivery of a cannabis-based product to complete follow-up for treatment and dosage adjustments. Definitely, the Instituto de Terapias Integradas presents a new concept in cannabinoid medicine in Brazil.

Complete cycle in Cannabidioid treatment

  • Personalized care for the patient

  • We facilitate medical consultation and systematic patient care

  • We carry out the screening with Pre-Anamnesis with a biomedical trained in cannabinoid treatment

  • Pre-consultation – Free health risk assessment (Mapping)

  • Complete assistance with the health plan for authorization and reimbursement for consultations, exams and surgeries

  • Assistance for authorization from Anvisa to import Cannabis-based products, according to RDC 660

  • Complete assistance for the purchase and delivery of the Cannabis-based product

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 Restaurando o equilíbrio do corpo, da mente e te ajudando a viver a vida que você merece. Descubra e experimente a Medicina Canabinóide nos cuidados com sua saúde.

Av. Fagundes Filho 475, São Paulo, SP, 04304-010

11 91573-0217


© Copyright Instituto de Terapias Integradas  Todos os direitos reservados CNPJ: 42196877/0001-40 - São Paulo - SP

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